Interview with Anthony Lun | Lfplaza | Your World of Luxury

Interview with Anthony Lun

Anthony Lun is a famous songwriter, arranger, musical director and singer in Hong Kong. 

Anthony is wearing Burberry trench coat (above) & Gucci blazer (below) 

1.How did you get started with playing – and creating – music?

I am strongly influenced by my family. My brother was my first piano teacher and we used to sit cheek by jowl in front of the piano singing along to English songs. I guess that’s how I become very into music.

2. How long does it take for you to compose a song?

 How does a song usually develop – do you first start with the lyrics, melody, chord progression, or something else? It depends, sometimes it can be just 15 minutes, but sometimes it takes days. For Cantonese songs, melody must come first since there are many restrictions for Cantonese in terms of pronunciation.

3. Do you have favourite places or times where you like to compose?

 I like to compose in my piano room at night because it’s quiet.

4. Knowing that you were the music director of so many remarkable concerts, which one do you like the most and why? 

It has be Anita Mui’s last concert in 2003. We all knew that during that concert, she was struggling with health problems, but we were all amazed and impressed by her professionalism and perseverance.

5. Throughout these years, you have worked with so many incredible singers, can you share with us some memorable episodes?

 Working with songbird like Sandy Lam Yik-lin is mind-blowing. There were times when I am too fascinated by her singing that I made mistakes when playing piano for her.

6. What do you think about your nickname ‘Mr. Forgetful’? 

I kind of agree with it but I try not to make mistakes during crucial events.

7. The theme of today’s shooting is environmental consciousness, and it is a topic that being discussed worldwide, what do you think about Hong Kong people’s consciousness towards environmental issues?

 I think we are improving. I remember ten years ago, separation of waste was not common in Hong Kong. But now people become more concerned about recycling and separating waste. I am glad to see these changes.

8. Can you share with us some tips to be environmental-friendly?

 Recycle envelops and magazine regularly. Reuse paper cups from coffee shops and those take-away boxes from restaurants.

9. Use 2 words to describe your motto? 

Keep calm, and let go of things that bother you. Do not let things upset you for more than a day.

10. What are your plans & hopes for the future with regard to your music?

 In 2017, I am attempting to come out from the off-stage and collaborate with different artists and will be holding a few concerts.

Anthony is wearing Mino Maestrelli T-Shirt & Tom Brown tailor coat