As a diverse and dynamic company, we offer a challenging career in a fast changing industry that requires you to continuously develop yourself. Although we reward hard-work and results,
we also encourage you to strive for work-life balance.
The pace of change within the fashion industry is unrelenting. At Lfplaza, you will constantly be challenged to plan ahead and innovate yourself in order to stay relevant.

Lfplaza is a diverse and multicultural workplace environment. We welcome talent from different backgrounds, regardless of gender, martial status, sexual orientation, age or any other condition that cannot be shown to be justifiable. We believe diversity inspires fresh perspectives and makes us stronger.

We provide training and development opportunities to different level of employees to improve technical and soft skills. You will have the chance to explore your talents working with different departments and new project.

Your family and social life has a profound influence on your work performance. We encourage employees to minimize excessive overtime by being productive during working hours. We are also considerate that family emergencies and important events may require time off.